Wednesday, March 22, 2006

At last, a husband...

The world seems so much more manageable when you come from a team.


Sarah said...

What? You're getting married? Congratulations! ... or is this joke. Look, I don't like being teased.

Jeje said...

Is there something you want to tell me?

Mantis said...

Sorry. No more information available at this time.

Nice to see you're both still reading, though. =P

Love you, ladies!

Jeje said...


Domestic Goddess said...

a lot of us are still reading, just so you know.

American Girl said...

Yeah ... we still come around from time to time .. glad to know that there is something to actually read now. Now we just need you to fill in a few details.

Kate said...

Hehe... Mantis, I love you. :)

B said...

And some of us sit on your site wishing and hoping and praying that there will be an update soon!

We miss you when you aren't around to play!!

Love you one million Swedish fish!

Don't you know who I am? said...

I see you still have the same witty banter as allways.

We miss you a ton here. I hope that everything is going great in your new life.

Don't you know who I am?