My apologies for my last post. I'm doing my best to be more specific here, but I was very short on time and thought the picture said a mouthful. Plus, I think I'm adorable. ;)
Do not misunderstand, everything is fine. I'm a little stressed. Work is a MUCH bigger commitment than I thought it would be, and I feel like I'm drowning sometimes. I go to work. I work late. I come home. I go to sleep. Wake up. Lather. Rinse. Repeat.
Even though I really like my job, I'm still not doing what I want to be doing. The phrase that keeps circling my mind is something to the effect of "Great job with the climbing,'re on the wrong wall."
I realized the other day that I'm starting to separate myself from my peers at work. It's a small team, but it's becoming more and more obvious to me that I'm not like everyone else. Not better, but different. We don't want the same things, and because of that, opportunities are starting to open up for me. A career. Security. Independence. Such amazing ideas. But there it is again. I can almost hear it: "wrong wall".
I read one of JRA's recent posts about taking classes to be a travel agent - something she would truly LOVE - and I sat in awe.
Where does one find the courage to follow a dream?